Thursday, July 19, 2007

All things must come to an end...

Recently has been sad days in my neighborhood, I've seen it in the eyes of the dwarf in a suit, the whores on their way home after a hard night's work and in the eyes of my fellow salaryman I meet on my way to work...

My neighborhood has suffered a big loss, the local military gear store "Anaconda Vice" has closed down... So many "should have"s and "would have"s are floating through my mind right now. Where will I buy used military jackets now on my way home? Not to talk about the nazi paraphernalia they sold there as well. No more SS t-shirts and no more brave Japanese buying them because they think it looks so cool...

It is sad and I feel the loss but I guess I will have to move on with my life, eventually...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha if it makes you feel better, there's a military store right by my house - you can get hats, shoes, gear, and other random stuff like canteens. don't think they have any nazi paraphernalia

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