Sunday, February 18, 2007

Better start blogging...

So... now I'm suffering from "first post anxiety"... I need to write something interesting that people can relate to, something exciting with a human element to make you; the reader, feel as if you're connecting with me...

Nah, that just doesn't do it for me! I will instead use this space to give you the overview on what's going on here, or what will happen here.

So, why have I started a blog?
Well, there are some bizarre things going on in my work especially, stories which might amuse the casual blog reader. Also, since this is Japan, there are plenty of other stories of wonder and horror that will take you on a rollercoaster of feelings! You will hear "feel-good" stories that will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step, you will hear stories that seem to be taken straight out of a H.P. Lovecraft story that will make you afraid of the dark and anything in between those two! All true of course!

So, who is this guy that promises all this excitement?
Well, I'm a guy in the early 30's working and living in Tokyo since quite a few years back now, currently I'm working in a smaller size consulting company from which the bulk of these stories of wonder and joy probably will come since it is far from a "normal" office. The fun never ends!

I do speak Japanese, have many Japanese friends and generally love the country and the people of Japan, but like anywhere else, there's always things you dislike. But this will not be a "Japan-bashing" blog in case anyone thought so, but I guess that some of the absurdities that I experience while living here will come out as well.

I will try to keep this blog updated almost daily, at least that's what I'm thinking now but you never know... Anyway, this feels like a decent first post! Hope to see you here again!

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